Mac or PC? Which do you use?
As a screen printer, you most likely use a computer on a daily basis. If you don't, how do you get any work done??? O.K., seriously, what type of computer do you use? Mac or PC? While many graphic artists […]
As a screen printer, you most likely use a computer on a daily basis. If you don't, how do you get any work done??? O.K., seriously, what type of computer do you use? Mac or PC? While many graphic artists […]
We try to keep the ASPA office up-to-date when it comes to computers and other tech equipment that we use on regular basis. Computer software is no exception. So it wasn’t unusual that we decided to upgrade the office computers to Microsoft’s new operating system—Windows 8. After having used it for around a week, we decided to share our user experience with you.
As a printer, you probably search the internet when you’re looking for screen printing supplies, blanks, or when seeking information that you need to run your business. You want to find the info you need quickly, easily, and find the most relevant results for your search efforts.
If you’re in a graphics intensive business, (screen printing, sign making, t-shirt printing or promotional products) you have to deal with image files on a regular basis. The need to receive and send large image files is very important
More and more things involve us using passwords. And with the ever increasing power of computers, it’s getting ever easier to crack this layer of protection. Computers don’t care how complex the password is, they’ll just keep chipping away until they get the answer. So how can you create a password that is easy for you to remember but difficult for a hacker to crack?
Let’s take a step back here…
You may have heard of the term “cloud computing,” and wondering what it is. “Cloud” computing or computing online is a general term for anything that involves delivering hosted services over the internet. Most common is Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) like the applications offered by Google (Google Apps), Microsoft (Office Web Apps), and The name “cloud computing” was inspired by the cloud symbol that’s often used to represent the internet in flow chart diagrams.
The only thing holding you back from learning new computer programs is your own closed-minded attitude. Point and click. Seek and find. There is nothing easier than this. So for anyone out there who claims that they’re “just not a techie” and can’t learn the programs: DO NOT DOUBT YOURSELF. You CAN learn the programs!
There was once a time when you would buy electronic devices and expect them to last for decades. When people bought a television or a radio, these items would last them forever. But times have changed, and a lot of people will now go so far as to replace their electronic devices every single year.
7-winning-search-engineSearch engine optimization should always be considered long before your website structure, colors, layout, and overall site design.
Here are 5 such methods that I use to speed up my PC and to ensure that it will always run at optimum performance with very minimal hiccups.