Fluorescent Ink
Fluorescent Ink: Special inks that contain extremely bright “neon” pigment colors.
Fluorescent Ink: Special inks that contain extremely bright “neon” pigment colors.
Safelight: A light that should be used when working with photosensitive materials like emulsion or capillary films to prevent accidental exposure to ultraviolet light. A yellow “bug light” works well for this purpose.
Logo: A special symbol or graphic used to identify a particular business or organization.
Camera-Ready Art: Production ready art. Artwork that requires no alterations or modifications and is ready for output onto film or vellum.
Ultraviolet Light: Light with a wave length shorter than that of visible light. It is so named because the spectrum consists of electromagnetic waves with frequencies higher than those that humans identify as the color violet. Ultraviolet light is commonly called black light. UV light is the ideal type of light for exposing screen and curing certain types of ink.
Flood Stroke: A heavily angled squeegee stroke used to fill the screen with ink. A squeegee angle of 60 degrees is typical.
Chiller Plate: A metal plate that is applied to a flashed print to absorb the heat from a print.
Scoop coater: A metal tough used to dispense emulsion for the purpose of coating screens.